We went to Disney World (along with various other place too!) in April with 14 of the 18 Avery family members. I know, I thought we’d loose at least one kid too - NOPE! Boy did we luck out! So anyway, we were shopping around Downtown Disney one night and I saw this guy - I actually thought he drew out the profile then cut it out. I figured the boys were off shopping in the pin store - and that was way more their thing. I wanted Haley to have it done. It was SO cool to watch - the guy just picked up a tiny pair of scissors and whipped it out in less than a minute!
By far my favorite souvenir. It may sound lame, but I hope this is something she keeps forever.
…And yes, her room is bright pink - thank you Auntie Sadie ;) The next room wont be as bright so she'll hopefully sleep in longer than w
hen the sunrises!! :)
Ohhhh...do I get to help decorate the new room too!?
My mom totally has these from when my brother and I were little. She still has them up in the house. I want to have them done of the boys...
Ohhhh...that is just too sweet. I totally wanted one of those while I was growing up. I love the bright pink. Nice job, Sadie.
I don't think I ever saw it after it was done. (That was a CRAZY night!!) I'm so glad you love it! Can I just say that my kids (especially Caleb) still talk about our trip almost every day!!
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